Research Article
The Teacher Competency and Beliefs on How to Improve Language Skills of Students

Saziye Yaman , Erdal Can, Osman Cakir

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Yaman S, Can E, Cakir O. The teacher competency and beliefs on how to improve language skills of students. Eur J Eng Lang Ed. 2023;3(2):91-104. doi: 10.12973/ejels.3.2.91
Yaman, S., Can, E., & Cakir, O. (2023). The teacher competency and beliefs on how to improve language skills of students. European Journal of English Language Studies, 3(2), 91-104.
Yaman Saziye, Erdal Can, and Osman Cakir. "The Teacher Competency and Beliefs on How to Improve Language Skills of Students ," European Journal of English Language Studies 3, no. 2 (2023): 91-104.
Yaman, S Can, E & Cakir, 2023, 'The teacher competency and beliefs on how to improve language skills of students', European Journal of English Language Studies, vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 91-104. Yaman, Saziye et al. "The Teacher Competency and Beliefs on How to Improve Language Skills of Students." European Journal of English Language Studies, vol. 3, no. 2, 2023, pp. 91-104,


This study deals with the English language teachers’ perceived beliefs on how to improve English language students’ learning skills. English language teachers’ level of competencies on how to improve language skills of their students is the main focus of this study. Therefore, the domain, “Improving Language Skills,” defined by the Ministry of National Education (MoNE) in Türkiye in the field of “Subject Specific Competencies for Teaching Profession” has been used. This specific domain includes seven competency performances and 63 related performance indicators at three levels: A1, A2, and A3. This study, first, aims to develop a new “English Language Teacher Competency Scale” under the light of MoNE descriptors; second, it aims to observe the English teachers’ competency levels following the suggested performance indicators. The participants of the study were 100 English language teachers, teaching at public and private primary schools in Türkiye. Accordingly, the teachers responded to the mentioned scale, including other variables; such as gender, professional experience, educational background, and the type of schools they worked in. The findings indicated that there was no significant difference between the teachers’ competency beliefs about their professional experience, gender, and educational background; however, there was a significant difference in terms of the type of schools the teachers worked in. Also, this study revealed feasibility of developing the “English Language Teacher Competency Scale,”, and made the scale available to use for evaluating English Language Teaching teachers’ competency levels on how to “Improve Language Skills” in class.

Keywords: English language teachers, language skills, teacher beliefs, teacher competency.


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